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Month: December 2022

Corporate Christmas and Being Inclusive

‘Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, Happy Festive!’ Each statement carries the same sentiment — to send well wishes for the end of the year. During the month of December, it’s common for celebrations to be centered around Christmas. Yet it’s also important to remember that not everyone resonates with the traditions that surround this time of the year. So, how do corporate Christmas and being inclusive work together?

Between the parties, social gatherings, festive treats and extra time off with your loved ones, it’s understandable why many of us look forward to Christmas celebrations. However, it’s important to acknowledge how inclusivity in the workplace can positively impact your employee engagement. And, ultimately improve the success of your business. As the season draws near, let’s take a closer look at why it’s important to be inclusive during holiday celebrations so that you can create a better work environment for your employees. 

Corporate Christmas and Being Inclusive: smiling colleagues toasting with glasses of champagne.

Christmas Savings: How to Save on Christmas Gifts and Holiday Shopping 

Some pessimists call it a money making scheme, advertisers call it a ‘marketing strategy’, and the best of us refer to it as ‘the most wonderful time of the year’. But, let’s be honest, whichever way you view the holidays, you’re still somehow bound to become another statistic in its bright red tinsel topped mistletoe madness of mass consumerism. Or…are you? Is there a smarter way to go about spoiling your loved ones during the holidays? Oh, we hope so! On to the Christmas savings!

With holiday savings and Christmas deals on the rise, you’d have to have super human strength to resist indulging in holiday shopping. The truth is though, you don’t have to resist! And instead of super human strength, all you really need is a plan, and to stick to it. Whether you’re doing Christmas on a budget, or simply want to cut down your holiday spending this year, we have some tips you may find useful. Read below and let us help you rock around the Christmas tree – debt free! 

Christmas Savings: Santa ordering gifts on laptop with credit card.